
Patch 1.7.5


New Features

Display answer for previous day

Added a small text to all game modes that displays the name of yesterday's answer

Reported by: Kalikq-p - Thanks for the suggestion!


Patch 1.7.4



New content

Added all new maps introduced to Team Fortress 2 during 2024.


Patch 1.7.3



Show map name

Tne name of the map is now displayed under the image when correct map is selected.


Bug fixes

Color blind mode toggle

Could only toggle color blind mode by clicking on the switch with mouse or touch. This should now also support keyboard navigation with the use of both space and enter key.


Clear weapon 2 stats

Fixed a bug where weapon 2 stats were not being cleared when clearing from settings menu. This should now be fixed, and the stats should be cleared as expected.

Weapon 2

Patch 1.7.2



Updated randomizer

Noticed that the same items were being selected too frequently. The randomizer has been updated, hoping to fix this issue.

All Game Modes

Bug fixes

Hide item names from hints

Replaces item names in hints with a placeholder. Hopyfully, all item names are now hidden, but exceptions may still exist.

Reported by: VaniRabbit - Thanks for reporting this issue!

Weapon 2

Patch 1.7.1


Bug fixes

Add error page

New game mode (weapon 2) had no error page when something went wrong. This has been fixed.

Weapon 2

Patch 1.7.0


New Features

New game mode: Weapon 2!

The new weapon game mode is now available! Guess daily weapons based on its attributes show in-game.

Reported by: becausewhybnot - Big thanks for the suggestion!

Weapon 2

Patch 1.6.1


Bug fixes

Add color hint behind item icon

As some items have the same hints, it could sometimes be confusing to know if you have completed the daily challenge. A background color has been added to indicate wether the guess was correct or not.

Reported by: Klush - Thanks for bringing this to my attention!


Patch 1.6.0


New Features

New game mode: Unusual Effects

A new game mode has been added. Try it out here. The objective is to guess the unusual effect of the item shown on screen.


Patch 1.5.0


New Features

Quick commands

Added a quick command components that allows you to more easily perform actions on the application with keyboard shortcuts. Quick commands can be access either by pressing the button in the top left corner or CTRL/CMD + K on your keyboard!

All Game Modes

Patch 1.4.0


New Features


Stats have been added! Everytime you complete a daily challenge, the attempt is recorded and you can view a graph of your stats. The stats are only stored locally in your browser and you can clear your stats at any time in the settings dialog!

All Game Modes

Patch 1.3.1


Bug fixes

Color explination

Added color explination panel to the cosmetic page


Patch 1.3.0


Bug fixes

Timing bug

If you guessed correct some seconds before midnight, the server would validate it to correct, and if by the time it reached the client, a new day had started, it would be marked as if you had guessed the new days puzzle. This has been fixed and should no longer be an issue

All Game Modes

Cosmetic color show when correct

Previously, the gray filter of the cosmetic would still be applied when you guessed correct cosmetic prior to the color hint. This has been fixed and the gray filter will now be removed whenever you guess the correct cosmetic, regardless if it's prior to the color hint or not.


Patch 1.2.0


New Features

Color blind mode

Color blind mode can be activated in the settings. Click on the gear icon to the left of the logo and toggle the color blind mode option. Additionally, colors displaying correct/incorrect/partial is now displayed as background color and not borders make it easier to distinguish.

All Game Modes

Bug fixes

Use correct url when sharing to twitter

Tweet template used the old url, this should now be update to the new url (tf2dle.com).

All Game Modes

Patch 1.1.0


New Features

Next game mode navigation

Can now navigate to the next game mode from the victory dialog.

All Game Modes


Re-orderd weapon hints

Weapon hints are now ordered in a more logical way.


Made cosmetic easier

The hints for the cosmetics are now given at 3, 6, and 9 tries instead of 5, 10, and 15.


Bug fixes

Fix grayfilter on mobile

Grayfilter was not applied to cosmeitc on mobile devices. This should now be fixed.


Fix streak reset

Streak will now proparly reset if you don't guess correct within two days



Patch 1.0.0


New Features

Version 1

The game is now out of beta and is now version 1.0.0

All Game Modes

New game mode: Cosmetics

Added a new game mode where you have to guess the correct cosmetic.



Mobile support

The weapon game mode is now better supported on mobile devices.


Patch 0.2.0



Clear map hints

As maps only have two hints (game mode and release year) some maps have the same hints, meaning the UI would tell you that you had everything correct when in fact it was the wrong map. Now, the image also has a colored border to indicate whether you have the correct map or not.


Bug fixes

Fix map cheat

You can no longer drag the map image to see the full image when it is zoomed in.


Typos in table headers

Fixed typos in table headers.


Timer not resetting at midnight

Timer would continue to count down after midnight with negative values. Should now reset as expected.

All Game Modes

Challenge completion bug

Previously, when first loading the page it would sometimes tell you that you had completed the challenge when you hand't. This should now be fixed.

All Game Modes

Patch 0.1.0


New Features

Patch notes

Added this page for patch notes.

All Game Modes

Jungle Inferno Weapons

Added Jungle Inferno weapons to the weapon game mode.



Fixed search filtering algorithm

Previously, it search only for words starting with the search query. Now it searches for words containing the search query making it easier to find what you are looking for.

All Game Modes

Consistent feedback messages

The feedback messegaes are now consistent throughout the different gamemodes.

All Game Modes

Made map gamemode easier

Picture of the map starts less zoomed in making it easier to guess the map.


Bug fixes

Fixed game reset bug

A bug where the games would reset multiple times a day is now fixed.

All Game Modes

Games will reset in: 12:58:05